Solutions for your ideas
Individual, personal attention is important to us – it begins with comprehensive consultation and continues along all phases of cooperation.
Complex mechatronic systems, from development to after-sales service: As a partner to leading global organizations, as well as small and mid-size businesses, Zollner Elektronik AG offers system solutions that cross sectorial divides along the entire product lifecycle.
The company was founded in Zandt, Bavaria, in 1965, and is still a 100% family-owned corporation today. Through continuous organic growth, the Zollner Group established itself worldwide as one of the top 15 EMS service providers in the realm of mechatronic services.
To which basic values do we as employees and leadership feel obligated?
Trust, respect and honesty
We want to rely on one another and share mutual appreciation of every person.
Holistic responsibility
We see the corporation as a whole and are proud of our common achievements.